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Which is the most effective direction for Solar Panels to be Oriented?

Feb 25


There was one solution to the question "What's the most effective location for solar panels to be directed?" In the Northern Hemisphere that direction was south. Because the sun's rays are directly above the equator all the time, solar panels with a southerly orientation are in a position to absorb more sunlight and produce more solar energy.


Every house has a different direction to the sun, therefore every solar installation has unique challenges and opportunities. It is important to place the solar panels in a manner that they don't just get the most sunlight, but also reduce homeowners' electricity bill.


South-facing solar las cruces offer another benefit for those who have net metering, which allows homeowners to be reimbursed for the power they send back to the electrical grid. If there's lots of sunlight in the south, the solar panel's south-facing orientation captures the greatest amount of energy. But that's also when the home's energy consumption is usually the lowest because everyone is going to school, work, and so on. So, there's plenty of solar power to be sold back to the power company.


However, not all homes are in the southern direction. There are numerous other factors that could influence the direction of solar panels.


At first, your Solar Power dealer will inspect your property for obstructions, such as trees, chimneys, and powerlines, as well as taller buildings that may interfere with sunlight reaching your solar panel installers in the cruces. A house with a poor direction or sun-blocking obstructions can nevertheless produce ample solar energy, however, it could require greater solar panels than a roof that has a great orientation and no obstacles.


Solar Power dealers also are current regarding local regulations and rules that can have a big impact on the direction of the solar panel. These regulations can affect the ability of a homeowner to profit from net metering among other aspects. For instance, California added a wrinkle in its net metering system known as "time of use" and that modification directly affects solar panel placement.

Prior to receiving rates, homeowners were reimbursed at the same rate for all electricity they supplied to the grid, regardless of whether it was generated at 10 a.m. or at 4 p.m. Customers who are utility customers experience the most need for power between 4 to 9 p.m. every night. They switched rates to ease this.


TOU rates mean that the 10 a.m. power that is sent back to the grid, which is a non-peak time - is less valuable to the homeowner than the peak-time 4 p.m. power. To get more sunlight solar power, solar panel owners who are affected by TOU rates may have to move their panels to be facing to the west or south to get the most benefit from the sun's evening light.


Advosy Energy knows that the efficiency of solar panels is a key factor in the planning of a solar project. The distinctive design of solar cell technology is able to capture the largest spectrum of sunlight. It is possible to use fewer panels if you use the most efficient panels.


Placing solar panels around all the obstructions on a roof can be complex. Our software permits homeowners to take part in their own design, understanding how many panels are needed and the best places for them. The design can also be upgraded with solar cruces to help homeowners conserve excess power and prepare in case of an emergency.


A solar energy investment can aid your budget and the planet. Let a seasoned Solar power retailer guide your family in this exciting new direction.


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Advosy Energy
4411 S 40th St Suite D-5 Phoenix, AZ 8540